卡套管接头管螺纹接头BCR 金属垫片面密封管接头BCO O 型圈面密封管接头焊接接头UT 真空管接头CGA/DISS钢瓶接头法兰转换接头中压卡套管接头PFA 细螺纹扩口接头接头球阀针阀超高纯隔膜阀波纹管密封阀旋塞阀计量阀单向阀卸荷阀调压阀超高纯减压阀阀门仪表阀仪表二阀组仪表三阀组仪表五阀组仪表阀和仪表阀组颗粒过滤器超高纯气体过滤器过滤器仪表快速接头全流量快速接头微型快速接头PTFE 密封快速接头快速接头柔性卡套管金属内管软管PTFE 和 PFA 内管软管橡胶软管热塑软管软管和软管接头仪表卡套管中压和高压卡套管高纯不锈钢卡套管卡套管双端取样钢瓶单端取样钢瓶备件和附件取样系统压力表压力控制面板回火防止器检漏液其它

Dear Customers,
At BAISYLOK, we fully adopt American material standards and corresponding processing and manufacturing standards, with the goal of becoming a world leading brand, and provide customers with the most cost-effective high-quality products through global production. After so many years of unremitting efforts, BAISYLOK Corporation has become an industry-leading developer and manufacturer of superior high-quality instrumentation valves and fittings, which are capable of manufacturing 5 different product categories, including: General Instrumentation Valves and Fittings; Medium & High Pressure Valves and Fittings; High Purity & Ultra High Purity Products; Sampling Systems; Tubing.
"BAISYLOK" is a registered trademark of BAISYLOK Corporation. However, counterfeit and similar looking products are illegally represented in the market and sold as genuine BAISYLOK products. Whether it is illegally labeling the same brand name and logo, or similar text, counterfeit products are particularly dangerous to customers and industry development. The use of counterfeit products may lead to higher malfunctions or failure risks, which may result in equipment failure, property damage, or personal injury.
Please support our efforts and promise to only purchase genuine BAISYLOK products from BAISYLOK Corporationor our authorized distributors. Just go to our official website Find BAISYLOK's company or authorized distributor on www.baisylok.com.
BAISYLOK believes that our primary mission is to provide reliable and secure products for all customers. We are committed to providing customers with the reliability and satisfaction of BAYSYLOK products.
Yours Faithfully, BAISYLOK.